Giving Parliamentary Evidence Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon I am taking a jaunt to provide evidence to the Joint Select  Committee on Privacy and Injunctions. I'm on at circa 2.15pm with Dr. Ian Brown of the Oxford Internet Institute, Ashley Van Haeften, Trustee of Wikimedia UK and Nicholas Lansman, Secretary General of the Internet Service Providers Association. The whole thing can be watched live (and then archived) from the UK Parliament Channel - I have a list of questions but can't share them with you, I also have my suit pressed and a new pair of shoes. 

It is a busy day tomorrow as I'm teaching 12 - 1, then at 6.00pm we have the excellent and entertaining Barefoot Technologist discussing the key themes of her book Barefoot into Cyberspace. If you are in the vicinity of the LSE's new Academic Building at 6.00pm - we're in the Moot Court Room on the seventh floor - join us.