Excellent, excellent post from Rechtgeschiedenisblog Blog on Dickens and law, listing online resources and recent posts and giving some analysis. This blog is in general a great resource for legal history and related areas, such as law and literature.
Additional Dickens and law resources:
"Lesser Breeds Within the Law"--Gresham College lecture by Dr. Angus Easson
Dickens' 1842 Reading Tour--Launching the Copyright Question on Temptuous Seas--Philip V. Allingham
Dickens 2012 Website: From Law To Literature Walk
Here's a post from the Mirror of Justice on Dickens and the Catholic legal imagination.
Additional Dickens and law resources:
"Lesser Breeds Within the Law"--Gresham College lecture by Dr. Angus Easson
Dickens' 1842 Reading Tour--Launching the Copyright Question on Temptuous Seas--Philip V. Allingham
Dickens 2012 Website: From Law To Literature Walk
Here's a post from the Mirror of Justice on Dickens and the Catholic legal imagination.